Each member of the 校董会 of 澳门网上博彩官方网站 (the “University”) must maintain the highest ethical standards and avoid actual or apparent conflicts between their personal interests and those of the University. This policy statement is intended to provide specific guidance to all Trustees in maintaining the foregoing standards. This statement applies and shall be disseminated to all Trustees as the official statement of the 校董会’ general policy.


管理大学的事务, all Trustees must be aware that the paramount consideration and the predicate for all decisions shall be the best interest of the University. 当以开放的心态处理所有问题时,就会进一步遵守这一标准, constrained always to the best interest of the University; all judgments are based on information that is complete and accurate for the purpose at hand; and each person is tolerant of the ideas and positions of others.


所有受托人在任何时候都应举止得体, 诚实, 完整性, 而且符合最高的道德标准. A relationship with the University shall not be used in any way that will inure to the personal benefit of any Trustee.


若干对外业务, 专业, and other activities and relationships may interfere with a party’s ability to perform official or assigned duties or may otherwise create a conflict with the interests of the University. 因此, the 校董会 establishes the following general guidelines for Trustees having a relationship with any organization or person that involves a 金融 interest in, 或拥有权威的职位, any party conducting business with the University; and for Trustees engaging or seeking to engage in outside business, 金融, 以及专业活动, 有或没有补偿.

受托人不得, 直接或间接, 从事任何外部业务, 金融, or 专业 transaction or other activity which conflicts with the interests of the University, 这可能会对大学产生不利影响, or which otherwise interferes with the Trustee’s ability to discharge his or her duties as a Trustee freely. Any possible conflict of interest must be discussed with the 校董会 and the Company Board immediately upon recognition of the existence of a potential conflict.

任何经济利益, 或者任何受托人的职位, 官, 受托人, 顾问或顾问, 或任何类似的有影响力或权威的职位, held by a Trustee in an organization or concern with which the Universitydoes business or is considering doing business, must be disclosed to the 校董会 and the Company Board immediately upon recognition of the existence of such relationship. Trustees are prohibited from representing the University or otherwise participating in any transaction with any organization or concern in which the Trustee or a family member of the Trustee has a relationship of the type described above, except with the prior written approval of the 校董会 and the Company Board after disclosure of all relevant information.

接受任何礼物, 娱乐, 或其他个人恩惠(面值的普通和习惯代币除外), participation in a business lunch or other meal paid for by another party on an appropriate occasion and under appropriate circumstances, or inclusion in 娱乐 for a group of persons where the presence of a Trustee is clearly appropriate and consistent with the Universitys objectives) from any party that does or seeks to do business with the University, 包括潜在捐赠者, may present an undesirable appearance of impropriety or may be inappropriate under specific circumstances. 如对上述任何事项有疑问, 受托人应征询董事会及公司董事会的意见.

受托人必须在任何时候对大学事务保密, 专有业务信息, 以及其他内部程序, 人员信息, and the like that are not publicly disclosed through the various reports prepared or filed by the University pursuant to law. Even with respect to information that might be ascertained through research of publicly available materials, whether discussion or disclosure is appropriate under the immediate circumstances must be determined.

每个财政年度, all Trustees shall file with the Chairperson of the 校董会 a statement in the form attached hereto listing for the Trustee and his or her spouse all directorships, 托管, 会员资格, or other relationships which might cause the individual to be biased or otherwise partial in any business or educational matter involving the University. 此类报表应在每个会计年度开始后30天内提交. The information provided in such statement will be used solely in the internal management of the University to effect the administration of its conflict of interest policy, 并提供所要求的信息, each Trustee acknowledges understanding of this requirement and consents to this (and no other) use.

All potential conflicts of interest shall be disclosed at the earliest possible time during any meeting or other proceeding at which a matter is to be considered involving an organization in which such a personal interest is held. 当冲突或潜在冲突存在时, 受影响的人应弃权对有关项目投票或采取行动, 退出会议, and abstain from participating in or informally influencing the decision-making process except to provide factual information upon request.

This statement of policy shall in no way be construed to limit whatsoever any conflicts of interest provision (whether or not it is explicitly designated as such) in the Charter and Bylaws of the Board of Public Trustees. Each Trustee is responsible for reviewing the Charter and Bylaws of the 校董会, 所有条款均以引用方式纳入.